Saving lives with the ADAC emergency pass: Now also for non-members

Saving lives with the ADAC emergency pass: Now also for non-members

Saving lives with the ADAC emergency pass: now also for non-members

Since January 2024, over 33,000 ADAC members have set up the new digital emergency pass on their smartphones. This gives emergency services quick access to important medical information about patients in an emergency. In close cooperation with medDV, the leading provider of software solutions in the rescue sector, the emergency pass was developed so that it can be seamlessly integrated into existing rescue systems. The free service is now available not only to ADAC members, but also to the general public.

Fast data accessibility in an emergency

By integrating the ADAC emergency pass into the NIDAmobile software solution, medDV, in cooperation with ADAC e.V., has created the basis for emergency services on site to have immediate access to vital patient data, such as medication, pregnancy or previous illnesses. Unlike the pre-installed emergency functions on smartphones, which often only provide limited information, the ADAC Emergency Passport allows encrypted data to be transferred quickly and securely directly to the system of the emergency services and further clinics. This minimizes delays and increases the efficiency of medical care. This network is being successively expanded.

For even more targeted assistance during rescue operations: Emergency pass now also available for non-members

Non-members can create the ADAC emergency pass digitally: First register at and protect your personal data with two-factor authentication. Relevant information can then be entered and saved under “My personal data”. In addition to medical details, important emergency contacts and declarations of intent, such as information on living wills or health care proxies, can also be stored. Finally, the ADAC emergency passport is added to the smartphone wallet, making the data accessible “offline” as well.

Review of RETTmobil 2024

Review of RETTmobil 2024

A total of 30,308 trade visitors from 50 countries attended RETTmobil 2024 in Fulda. Over three days, the leading international trade fair for rescue and mobility with its 483 exhibitors captivated trade visitors.

The trade fair was also a great success for medDV and left a thoroughly positive impression. The trade fair was characterized by numerous stimulating discussions and interesting exchanges with customers, users, interested parties and partners. Visitors to the medDV stand were able to gain exciting impressions and find out about the latest innovations and technologies relating to mobile data collection in the emergency services. The tele-EMS system attracted particular interest.

This gives a positive outlook for RETTmobil 2025, which will take place in Fulda from May 14 to 16, 2025. Here too, medDV will be on site with a stand

medDV at the RETTmobil 2024

medDV at the RETTmobil 2024

medDV will be presenting its hardware and software solutions at RETTmobil International 2024 from May 15 to 17 in Fulda. One highlight is the tele-emergency doctor, which is integrated as a module in the NIDApad. Visitors to RETTmobil will have the opportunity to experience the company’s latest solutions live at Stand 1114 in Hall E.

Highlight: Tele-emergency doctor on the rise

The tele-emergency doctor is an independent product from medDV and rescuetrack. With the tele-emergency doctor, it is possible to call an emergency doctor to a rescue operation remotely via live streaming audio or video to save valuable time. The control center is available 24 hours a day. The previous data from NIDAmobile, such as insurance cards, can be easily transferred so that the emergency doctor can get a picture of the overall situation without being on site. It is possible to display images and videos from the scene in the tele-EMS center. Smooth data transmission, such as instructions, a live ECG or vital signs data, ensures a reliable exchange. Another special feature of the Telenotarzt is its interoperability and thus its independence from the control center, hospital, ECG manufacturer and even the deployment documentation.

MedicalPad from WEINMANN is now part of medDV

medDV took over the MedicalPad division from WEINMANN Emergency in April 2023 and has since continued the customer relationships on a long-term basis. This has resulted in close strategic cooperation in the areas of sales, marketing and development.

Optimizing processes for mobile rescue teams

The medDV solution world focuses on integrated systems for mobile data collection in the emergency services. These solutions support processes in the care of emergency patients on site and optimize data communication between the mobile unit and the control centre or hospital. Processes are standardized and accelerated. At the same time, operations are seamlessly and easily documented and transferred to the various players.

Document operations quickly and accurately

With NIDA, the rescue service no longer has to fill out time-consuming emergency protocols. Patient data, diagnoses and measures are recorded simply, intuitively and quickly using the NIDApad. All entries can be made with the fingers. The structure of the emergency log is simple and clear. With the NIDAmobile software and the modern user interface, customized protocols are available for different types of operations, such as ambulance transports, emergency operations and ITW transports.
Further information and advice Interested parties and customers can now obtain flexible information about the opportunities and potential that the NIDA product family offers for their organization. medDV has compiled extensive materials on its website. The team of consultants is available by telephone, in individual digital meetings and at personal appointments and can be contacted by telephone on +49 (0) 6404 20517-0 and by email at Anyone who would like to experience medDV’s solutions live can also do so this year at RETTmobil International 2024, which will take place in Fulda from May 15 to 17.


Saving lives with the ADAC emergency pass

Saving lives with the ADAC emergency pass

In cooperation with ADAC e.V., the market leader medDV has taken a pioneering step in the field of medical emergency assistance. With this innovation, a person’s personal and medical data can be accessed more quickly by emergency services in an emergency, which significantly improves the response time and effectiveness of the assistance provided.

Fast data accessibility in an emergency

The ADAC Emergency Passport contains a comprehensive collection of personal information, including name, date of birth and emergency contacts, as well as important medical data such as previous illnesses, current medication and drug allergies. In addition, information on declarations of intent can also be stored in the passport. These details are crucial for emergency services to ensure the best possible care in an emergency.

Efficient rescue chain through integration in NIDA

One feature of the ADAC emergency pass is the possibility for emergency services to integrate the pass directly into the rescue chain. Using the QR code on the emergency pass, emergency services can transfer all relevant data directly to NIDAmobile. This guarantees more efficient and faster access to the required information. This release will gradually be made available to customers. In addition, all emergency data is encrypted in the passport, which means that lost smartphones cannot access sensitive data, thus ensuring the security of personal information.

Innovative safety solutions for digital emergency care

The ADAC Emergency Passport thus marks a significant advance in the field of medical and digital emergency care and underlines the constant effort to provide innovative solutions to improve safety. “Anyone can find themselves in an emergency situation at any time, regardless of age or health. And then every second counts. With the emergency passport, we can make it much easier to provide rapid and targeted assistance in an emergency, while ensuring data security through encryption,” says ADAC CEO Dr. Dieter Nirschl. medDV Managing Director Gunter Ernst is also convinced: “With this innovative solution to integrate the emergency passport into the rescue chain, we have taken a pioneering step in the field of rescue service care and can provide vital information directly and easily to the rescue services.”

Further information can be found here

ADAC emergency pass

medDV presents new image film

medDV presents new image film

medDV proudly presents its latest image film in cooperation with the Blaulichtkanal. The film provides fascinating insights into the innovative world of medical data processing technologies that make medDV a leading company in the digital healthcare industry in Germany.

In the varied scenes and a look behind the scenes, the image film presents medDV’s mission: to increase efficiency in the healthcare sector through the development of digital solutions. However, this is not the only thing communicated in the film; the corporate culture also plays a major role. The dynamic and creative medDV team works together as equals.

The collaboration with the Blaulichtkanal gives the film a special touch by highlighting the importance of innovation and technology in modern medicine and at the same time underlining the special working atmosphere.

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of medical data processing and experience how medDV is shaping the future of healthcare:

medDV: Innovations in rescue services – Our image film

Hopefuls defy rainy weather: Tour of Hope 2023 stops at medDV

Hopefuls defy rainy weather: Tour of Hope 2023 stops at medDV

Fernwald, 27.07.2023 – The annual fundraising bike tour “Tour of Hope” for the benefit of children and young people with cancer in Germany made an inspiring stop yesterday at the company medDV in Fernwald. Despite the changeable weather, the participants did not let themselves be diverted from their mission and gathered in large numbers to do good together.

Since its inception in 1983, the Tour of Hope has tirelessly fought to improve the lives of young cancer patients and their families. Each summer, cycling enthusiasts, donors and supporters pedal to raise vital funds to support children with cancer.

This year’s stop at medDV not only provided the participants with a stage for the emotional handover of donations, but also a variety of delicious treats generously provided by the Künkel bakery, Rewe Fernwald and the Fernwald municipality.  Coffee, cake, cold drinks and sandwiches provided the necessary refreshment, while the good mood and atmosphere of solidarity made the rain clouds forgotten in no time.

This year, the Tour of Hope received special support: Among others, star chef Johann Lafer and biathlete Magdalena Neuner, well-known personalities from the culinary and sports world, were also present and brought their enthusiasm for the good cause.

The handing over of the donation checks from the company medDV, the bakery Künkel, the Rewe Fernwald and the municipality Fernwald as well as other donors, made it clear that only joint action can bring about a real change. Every contribution was gratefully received and will make a valuable contribution to making the lives of the young fighters easier.

The Tour of Hope proves once again that it is a source of inspiration and cohesion. Through the power of community spirit and with the aim of improving the lives of children and young people with cancer, the Tour sets an impressive example of solidarity year after year.